Building your safe space from within.
You struggle in your relationship with yourself.
On the outside, you might look like you have it “all together” and people assume you are fine, but on the inside you often experience bouts of anxiety that make the world feel like a scary place, guilt every time you express a need or even think about asserting a boundary, and challenges with knowing what to do with your emotions.
You sometimes feel like you are an outsider in your own life, yet you can’t figure out why. As an adult, you’re reflecting on the impact that your family of origin has had on your self development and beliefs that you’ve formed about yourself or the world. Yet at the same time, some part of you struggles with going there because you aren’t sure you have the right to complain, so you try to convince yourself that everything’s fine.
Some part of you has learned to keep your needs down and be the caretaker of others and their feelings. My sense is that there has been a long history of neglecting yourself, which came about initially as an adaptive strategy to feel safe and in control.
As an adult, you may be seeing how this default setting is no longer working for you, and you’re eager to learn new ways of relating to yourself and your experiences.
It is my deepest hope that you find what you seek for yourself.
I want you to know that the love and acceptance you seek can be found within you. I see my work with you as a collaborative effort at making sense of painful experiences, restoring your sense of autonomy, and welcoming all the parts of you that have been neglected or devalued.
You always have a choice in therapy. I actively seek to not impose my own agenda on you and to truly value where you want to go in this work. You have new options available to you in how you can relate to others, to yourself, and in how you move forward in your life.
Let's give some caring attention to you today.
Schedule your free 20 minute consultation
Hannah Alderete, lMHC
I'm so pleased you're here! As a therapist I truly strive to place great emphasis on your desires, needs, and wants in life. I'd love for you to get to know me and learn about how I work in therapy! Reach out if you have any questions.
Online Therapy
My practice is rooted first and foremost in creating a safe space. It is my deepest intention to make you feel heard, appreciated, and cared for, as we traverse the landscape of your past experiences and forge new paths toward your heartfelt values and desires.